Tinnitus Evaluations
in Caldwell

Hearing test in Caldwell or Meridian

Do I Have Tinnitus?

What Happens If My Nerve From Ear-to-Brain Is Damaged

Do you live near Caldwell and experience ringing, whooshing, or buzzing in your ears? You’re not alone! Tinnitus is actually a fairly common condition, and at Everything Hearing, we specialize in helping people just like you manage it.

Tinnitus (pronounced tin-IT-us or ti-night-us) often arises from damage to the hearing system, including the nerve that transmits sound to the brain. This damage can occur due to aging, loud noise exposure, certain medications, or even a virus.

When this happens, your brain tries to compensate for the missing sound signals, creating the phantom perception of sound we call tinnitus.

For more than 90% of people living with tinnitus, this ringing/whooshing/buzzing is directly attributed to the progressive and degenerative loss of nerves connecting the ear to the brain, aka hearing loss.

One of the most common statements we hear from tinnitus patients is, “I have tinnitus, but I don’t have a problem with my hearing!” While this is true for some patients, you should know that it is possible to have “normal” hearing with an auditory ear-to-brain nerve that is up to 50% damaged.

Unfortunately, tinnitus is a precursor of what’s to come due to the damaged nerve, and early treatment is a crucial part of slowing down the symptoms of tinnitus that will worsen over time.

If not treated, tinnitus will only get worse.

Contact us today. It could change your life.


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