Hearing Tests, Hearing Evaluations
in Caldwell

Hearing test in Caldwell or Meridian

Hearing Tests and Hearing Evaluations for Treasure Valley Residents

Are you a resident of the Treasure Valley area near Caldwell who suspects you may need a hearing treatment or are experiencing hearing loss? Before you can find the right solution, a comprehensive hearing test and evaluation are essential steps.

At Everything Hearing, our detailed hearing test goes beyond just measuring your ability to hear – it helps us understand the severity and type of hearing loss you may have. Afterall, a hearing test is not a pass/fail test but rather a tool that determines your precise level of hearing – or lack of hearing – which is then used to create the best treatment options. From determining intensity and pitch to identifying conductive, sensorineural, or mixed hearing loss, our audiologist can then recommend the most effective medical and hearing treatments for you.

 At What Age Should I Have a Hearing Test?

Start at Age 50: The Importance of Early Hearing Evaluations

It’s common for adults to only consider a hearing evaluation when they’re much older, such as in their retirement years. However, healthcare professionals strongly advise adults to have their hearing tested regularly before any signs of hearing loss appear.

Why? Establishing a baseline is crucial. Detecting even slight changes in hearing becomes challenging without a baseline in place before any loss occurs.

Preventative Healthcare at 50: Let's Talk About Ears and Rears!

There are two very crucial health screenings that health care professionals recommend when we hit 50, our first colonoscopy and our first hearing test. Almost everyone goes thorough the discomfort of the prep work and invasive procedure for a colonoscopy, but many skip the relatively benign exam of the early-detection hearing test. But why?

Just like colonoscopy, a hearing test will catch early changes which will help prevent further irreversible damage and ensure you get the treatment you need. But did you know, detection of hearing loss plays a key role in detecting early cognitive decline?

So when your hearing specialist or audiologist treats your hearing loss, they are actually helping to slow the onset of several key brain functions, including the memory, hearing, speech, and language portions of cognition. The proactive management of hearing loss may delay or slow the onset or progression of cognitive decline.

Taking care of your ears is part of taking care of yourself. Make hearing tests a regular part of your preventative healthcare routine after age 50. Your ears – and your brain – will thank you./p>

Hearing test at Everything Hearing

Hearing Test Results

Discover what sounds you may be missing or hearing with the results of your hearing test. Your hearing professional at Everything Hearing will use this information to provide tailored treatment recommendations, including quality hearing technology such as hearing aids, or a host of other treatments, if needed.

At Everything Hearing, your needs come first. Our dedicated team of hearing professionals is here to guide you through the world of hearing devices, step by step.

Recommend and Use the Latest in Hearing Technology Treatments Based Upon Your Hearing Test Results

If hearing technology is part of your treatment plan, your hearing professional can explain how it can specifically benefit you. During your appointment, you’ll have the opportunity to explore and experience various styles of hearing technology. Your hearing professional will help you select the ideal technology based upon hearing aid features and your unique hearing needs, lifestyle, and budget.

How Do You Decide Which Hearing Technology Is Best?

Once it’s determined that you may need hearing treatment, now it is time to find the best and most comfortable hearing aid for you.

If you choose custom hearing aids or behind-the-ear styles, impressions may need to be taken of your ears to ensure a comfortable fit.

Hearing aids are typically ordered based on your specific hearing loss and then programmed by your hearing professional to optimize their performance for you. There will be an adjustment period as you get used to wearing your hearing aids. Your hearing professional can make further adjustments to the settings during this time to fine-tune your listening experience.

Contact us today for your hearing evaluation. It could vastly improve your life.


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